
UI/UX Designer & Web Developer.
A fresh graduate student majoring in Informatics Engineering who is interested in application development, especially web-based application.
Have experience using several web frameworks such as Bootstrap and React as the front-end UI framework and CodeIgniter and Node.js as the back-end web framework.
Currently learning about the implementation of good UI / UX design and also keep practice in web development path.
UI/UX Design
React JS
Node JS
Nanjing Xiaozhuang University | Bachelor
2019 - Present
Software Engineering
Joint Degree program with Esa Unggul University. In my 2 years studying at Nanjing Xiaozhuang, I learned data mining, python for backend and how to make a good website, I also started to take an interest in UI/UX Design, so i learn it online.
Esa Unggul University | Bachelor
2017 - 2019
Informatics Engineering
Joint Degree program with Nanjing Xiaozhuang University. In my 2 years studying at Esa Unggul, I learned the basics of programming, such as algorithms and data structures, I also learned web development and much more.
Work Experience
Private Teacher
2012 - 2019
Personal | Partime
- Taught elementary, junior and high school student from various school located on Jakarta, especially West and North Jakarta.
- Help the student to understand the subject so they can do the homework or test by themself. Main subject is matehematics and science.
Accomplishment & Schoolarship
Nanjing Municipal Government Scholarship
2019 - 2021
It is a scholarship from Nanjing Government to attract and encourage more outstanding overseas students to study and conduct scientific research in universities in Nanjing.
Jiangsu Government Reward for High Achieving Students
It is a reward and form of appreciation given by the Jiangsu Government to the overseas student that performs well.
Here are tools and aps that i use to help my work.
Dribble is where designers gain inspiration, feedback, community, and jobs and is your best resource to discover and connect with designers worldwide.
Browser-based UI and UX design application, with excellent design, prototyping, and code generation for hand-off.
Visual Studio Code
Free source-code editor made by Microsoft that include support for debugging, syntax highlighting, intelligent code completion, snippets, coderefactoring, and embedded Git.
React is an open-source JavaScript library, a front end for building user interfaces or UI components.